
Bishop of Idaho Voices Concern Over Firing Squad Bill that was Signed Into Law - FULL TEXT

Catholic Bishops of Kansas Urge Protest of Black Mass Scheduled at the State Capitol of Kansas

LISTEN to a Sublime Crucifixus of Antonio Lotti Sung by the Ensemble Altera Choir in an Empty Church

UPDATE Pope Francis Continues Treatment in Hospital but Received Hundreds of Letters for his 12th Anniversary as Pontiff

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday March 13 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Happy 12th Anniversary as Pontiff to Pope Francis - 266th Pope - his Motto "Miserando atque eligendo"

St. Leander of Seville Introduced the Nicene Creed at Mass and Came from a Family of Saints! Saint of March 13

BREAKING Pope Francis' Improvements in Hospital are Confirmed by Chest X-Ray as the Pope Continues Therapy

Thousands Attend Cardinal McElroy's Installation as New Archbishop of Washington, D.C. Including 280 Priests and 70 Bishops

New Statistics Reveal 145 Priests were Kidnapped in Nigeria Over the Past 10 Years

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn "Plorans Plorabit" - "Weeping, my soul, shall weep" by a Renaissance Composer - It Will Touch Your Soul!

Saint Luigi Orione a Priest whose Body was Found Incorrupt and Founder of Several Religious Orders - Saint March 12

UPDATE Pope Francis had a Restful Night and is Slightly Improving but Requires More Time in Hospital

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Wednesday March 12 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Theophanes the Chronicler - Both he and his Wife Entered Religious Life! Saint of March 12

UPDATE Pope Francis Follows Lenten Spiritual Exercises from Hospital with a Stable but Complex Clinical Picture

US Bishops Urge Vital Donations to Catholic Relief Services Work for those Suffering Worldwide Following Government Funding Freeze - USCCB

Cathedrals and Churches Vandalized during Turbulent Women's Marches Throughout Mexico

Former President Duterte of the Philippines is Arrested for Alleged Crimes Against Humanity - Catholic Bishops say it is a Step Toward Accountability

Quote to SHARE by St John Chrysostom “Let the Mouth also Fast from Foul Words and Unjust Criticism. For what does it profit if we abstain from fish and meat and yet bite...”

LISTEN to a Hauntingly Beautiful 'Hear My Prayer, O Lord' by Purcell Sung in Empty Church by Voces 8 Choir

3 Powerful Prayers Against Evil Especially for Lent! Novena, Chaplet, + Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus - Prayers of Protection to SHARE

UPDATE Pope Francis Continues Therapy in Hospital and Shows a Good Response to Treatments

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday March 11 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church