
St. Saturninus & Companions : Bishop who was Present in the Cenacle when the Holy Spirit Descended at Pentecost - Saint Feb. 12

Pope Francis Warns Lacking "control, artificial intelligence, albeit an “exciting” new tool, could show its most “fearsome” side" to AI Summit in France

US Bishops’ President Archbishop Broglio Responds to Pope "we pray that the U.S. government keep its prior commitments to help those in desperate need"

Myanmar Army Destroys Newly Chosen Cathedral of the Sacred Heart but the Priest Vows to Rebuild

Vatican Adds St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s Feast Day in the Roman Calendar on September 5

Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Archbishop Vigneron of the Archdiocese of Detroit; Appoints Bishop Weisenburger as Successor

Pope Francis Quotes Pius XII on Care of Migrants Recalling the Holy Family in Exile in "promoting fundamental human rights" in Letter to US Bishops

It's Never too Late to Pray! Powerful Prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes with Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and Litany

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Our Lady of Lourdes - Miracle Apparition Site with Over 6 Million Annual Pilgrims where Our Lady Appeared in 1858! Feast Day Feb. 11

Wow NFL Super Bowl Winning Team Eagles' Quarterback Jalen Hurts Praises God in Interview "God is Good"

Catholic Priest in Singapore is Attacked During Mass - Police Arrest a 22-Year-Old

USCCB Forced to Layoff 50 Individuals due to Government Cuts on Migration and Refugee Services

Church Mass Attendance has Returned to Pre-Pandemic Levels According to Latest Research Data

Pope Francis Sends Message to a Forum Highlighting the Importance of Indigenous in Preserving their Cultural Identity

Bl. Card. Alojzije Stepinac Contacted Rulers Demanding they Cease Killing and said "we only have one soul, if we lose her, we lose everything" Saint Feb. 10