
Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday February 6 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Paul Miki & Companions : Who Helped Spread Christianity in Japan and were therefore Martyred - Saint of Feb. 6

Wow Our Lady of the Rockies - One of the Tallest Statues of Our Lady in the World! Brief History to Inspire + Share!

1st Wednesday Devotion St Joseph Prayer + 10 Promises for Honoring the Heart of Saint Joseph from a Church Approved Apparition

US President Trump Signs an Executive Order "Keeping men out of women’s sports"

Vice President JD Vance Speaks at Religious Freedom Summit Praying for Better Protection of "the dignity of all peoples" and Quotes Tertullian - FULL TEXT + Video

DR Congo's Bishops Raise Funds for Victims of Fighting in Goma after Nearly 3,000 Killed

Pope Francis says "When we feel loved, we experience a force that sets love in motion; as the apostle Paul says, “the love of Christ impels us” FULL TEXT

Blessed Elizabeth Canori a Wife of an Unfaithful Husband and Mother who Belonged to the 3rd Order of Trinitarians - Saint Feb. 5

Catholic Bishops of Tennessee Celebrate Passing of the Education Freedom Act

Powerful Prayer to Saint Agatha - Novena to St. Agatha the Patron of Breast Cancer, Virgins, Assault Victims - Share!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Wednesday February 5 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Agatha who was Persecuted then Miraculously Healed by St Peter! Patron Saint of Breast Cancer; Bakers; Nurses; Rape victims; Laywomen; Sterility - Saint Feb. 5

US Bishops Officially Designate New York's Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine as a Pilgrimage Site

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for February - The Pope Reveals how at Age 17 God was Waiting for Him! FULL TEXT

LISTEN to the Glorious "Hymn of the Cherubim" by Tchaikovsky - Hauntingly Beautiful will Touch Your Soul!

Quote to SHARE by St. Padre Pio "Prayer is the Oxygen of the Soul"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday February 4 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. John de Brito of Portugal who was an Early Jesuit Missionary in India - Saint February 4

St. Joseph of Leonessa : Capuchin Priest who Sometimes would Preach 7 Times a Day! Saint of February 4

Pope Francis Announces an Apostolic Exhortation on Children Following Leaders' Summit on Children’s Rights

Catholic Bishops' Conference in the Philippines Urges Abuse Reporting Following Release of Database of Names of Accused

MIRACLE Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes - A Powerful Prayer to Share!

Pope Francis says "our human family needs a unified witness to the reconciliation, healing and peace that can come only from God." FULL TEXT to Scandinavian Pilgrims

St. Anscar a Benedictine and Archbishop Known as the “Apostle of the North” ( #Scandinavia ) - Saint February 3

Canadian Bilingual Parish Rejoices as the Nuncio Joins them to Celebrate their Patronal Feast Day!

Pope Francis at World Leaders Summit for Children's Rights to Help "build a better world for children" at the Vatican - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday February 3 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church with St Blaise Blessing

St. Blaise a Bishop Famous for Miraculous Healings and Known for Special Blessings of Throats! Saint February 3

WATCH a Catholic Movie Online - CATHERINE - Drama of a Visionary Nun in France!

Wow LISTEN to Music that Will Touch Your Soul "Adorna Thalamum" for the Presentation Feast or Candlemas by Lassus

Looking for Success? Say this Prayer to Our Lady of Good Success a Miracle Novena to Our Lady of Good Success!