
What are 1st Fridays? 3 Things to SHARE about the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Miracle Promises + Prayers - to Change Your Life!

Pope Francis Tells Knights of the "close link between adoration and service...Christ came into the world to serve" FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "the Holy Door represents Jesus Christ, His Mystery of salvation, which allows us to enter into the new life..." to Union of Blind

LISTEN to the Beautiful Acappella "In Nomine Jesu" Hymn from 1586 Sung in an Empty Church Honoring the Holy Name of Jesus!

Holy Mass Bible Readings and Video : 1st Friday, January 3, 2025 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Holy Name of Jesus Feast or Memorial - Jan. 3rd + Powerful Novena Prayer to the Holy Name of Jesus

Powerful Prayers to the Holy Name of Jesus - Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus

St. Genevieve was a Virgin, Consecrated to God and Patron Saint of Paris who Died in 512 - Saint of January 3

Did You Know that the Month of January is Dedicated to the Most Holy Name of Jesus?

Pope Francis' January 2025 Prayer Intention is Released by the Vatican - FULL TEXT + Video

WATCH a Christian Movie - Jesus - the Life of Jesus and his Extraordinary Life and Mission! Full Film

RIP Cardinal Angelo Amato - Pope Francis Joins Funeral for Death of Cardinal who Worked Towards the Canonization of Mother Teresa

Quote to SHARE by St Basil "True fasting lies in rejecting evil, holding one's tongue, suppressing one's hatred, and banishing one's lust, evil words..."

Pope Francis Expresses his ‘spiritual closeness’ to Victims of US Terrorist Attack, in New Orleans

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday, January 2, 2025 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - Memorial of St. Basil and St. Gregory