
Santo Niño of Cebú Feast Day on the 3rd Sunday in January - Honoring the Miraculous Child Jesus from a 500 Year Old Catholic Tradition in the Philippines

Saint January 15 : St. Ita a Religious who said God Detested 'A Scowling Face' and Patron of Limerick, Ireland

Cardinal George Pell's Funeral at the Vatican with Pope Francis Presiding Over the Funeral Rites

Pope Francis Recommends "... fostering a daily relationship with Jesus, one nourished especially by prayer, meditation on the word of God....Always remember this: listening in silence before the Tabernacle."

Journalist Claims Controversial Anonymous Memo was Authored by Cardinal George Pell

Pope Francis says "I want to tell you: your prayer for peace, even if it doesn't seem like it, God hears it..." FULL TEXT + Video

Holy Mass Online : Saturday, January 14, 2023- #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint January 14 : Saintly Devasahayam (Lazarus) a Hindu Convert from India who was Martyred

Saint January 14 : St. Sava a Monk who Became Metropolitan and Patron of Serbia

Saint January 14 : St Felix of Nola who was Miraculously Helped by a Spider and Patron Saint of Pets, Eyes, Against Lies

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn 'O Nata Lux' Newly Released by VOCES8 Sung in an Empty Church in Germany

VIDEO Shows Attack of California's St Mary's Catholic Church Causing $20,000 in Damages - the Priest says “We forgive, God forgives”

Pope Francis says "The fundamental rule of religious life is the following of Christ proposed by the Gospel...May the Gospel be your handbook" FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online : Friday, January 13, 2023- #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Catholic Bishops of Peru say No more violence! Condemning Murder of Policeman Burned Alive

Saint January 13 : St. Hilary of Poitiers a Bishop of France who Converted to Catholicism from Paganism after Studying the Bible