
Wow a #ProLife Pope Francis Prays at Cemetery of Unborn Babies - Watch the Video and Share!

#Clocks Go Back 1 Hour in most of North America Nov. 4 at 2am - Remind your Friends - Share!

Pope Francis "In the ministry,...The centre of it all can only be a heart in love with the Lord." FULL TEXT Homily + Video

#BreakingNews ISIS Kills 7 Coptic Christians on Pilgrimage in Egypt - Please Pray

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stSaturday November 3, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint November 3 : Saint Martin de Porres : Patron of Black people

Pope Francis "Remember, remember. Memory is what makes a people strong, because it feels rooted..." FULL TEXT + Video

Pray for the Souls in Purgatory - 6 things to SHARE - How to gain an Indulgence

Wow Soul Stirring Choir Sings "Requiem Aeternam - "Eternal Rest Grant them" about the Holy Souls - Listen and Share!

What is Purgatory - Catechism Defines - #Novena Prayer for #HolySouls - Indulgence - SHARE

Today's Mass Readings and Video : #1stFriday November 2, 2018 - #Eucharist - #AllSouls

Saint November 2 : All Soul's Day - Remembering all the Faithfully #Departed - #AllSouls

Pope Francis "May the Holy Mother of God, Queen of the saints, help us to firmly walk the path of holiness...introduce our beloved dead into the heavenly family." FULL TEXT Angelus + Video

#Litany of the Saints : Official prayer of Church : Powerful to SHARE - #AllSaints