
Wow from Fire Fighter at 9/11 to Monk to Catholic Priest! The Inspiring True Story of Fr. Tom Colucci

Holy Mass Readings and Video : September 11, 2024 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. John Gabriel Perboyre a Priest and Martyr of China of the Congregation of the Mission - Saint of September 11

Beautiful Tribute to 9/11 Tragedy + St. Pope John Paul II's Words - Remembering the Nearly 3000 that Died - RIP - #NeverForget

Pope Francis Tells Religious "You are the fragrance of Christ, you are the fragrance of the Gospel" - "The Church exists to evangelize, and we are called to bring to others..." FULL TEXT

New Report Reveals Over 55,000 have been Killed, the Majority Christian, in Nigeria Since 2020

Wow Pope Francis at Mass with 600,000 says God's closeness is through a child. “In every part of the world,” the Birth of a Child is a “shining moment of joy"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

Pope Francis Visits Disabled Children Cared for by Nuns and says "We cannot understand the love of Jesus if we do not start practicing love." VIDEO

St. Nicholas of Tolentino who Entered Religious Life in his Teens! Patron Saint of Babies, Animals, and the Dying - Saint of Sept. 10

RIP James Earl Jones - Death of the Famous Actor from Star Wars and Catholic Convert

Message for World Literacy Day "Language is essential for communication between individuals and peoples."

Catholic Comedian Jim Gaffigan to Host Al Smith Dinner with Trump and Harris Attending

Wow Thousands Attend the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito and 1,600 Children Receive 1st Communion!