
St. Nicholas of Tolentino who Entered Religious Life in his Teens! Patron Saint of Babies, Animals, and the Dying - Saint of Sept. 10

RIP James Earl Jones - Death of the Famous Actor from Star Wars and Catholic Convert

Message for World Literacy Day "Language is essential for communication between individuals and peoples."

Catholic Comedian Jim Gaffigan to Host Al Smith Dinner with Trump and Harris Attending

Wow Thousands Attend the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito and 1,600 Children Receive 1st Communion!

Saintly Antoine Frédéric Ozanam the Founder of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Miracle which led to his Beatification by Pope St. John Paul II - Biography

Catholic Bishops of New York Call the "Equal Rights Amendment" a "Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing" - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Welcomed by Thousands in 98% Catholic Timor-Leste saying "thanks to....your faith, you transformed pain into joy. May the desire for peace prevail in other situations" in the World FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Asks Youth "Think carefully: do you have a common language?" - "The language of love!"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday September 9, 2024 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Peter Claver who Baptized Over 300,000 People! Miracle Worker Patron Saint of Racism, Slaves and African Americans - Saint of Sept. 9

Pope Francis says "find in the Eucharist a bond that strengthens the vigor of the Church itself...among its members and with God..." to the Quito Eucharistic Congress - FULL TEXT

LISTEN to the Magnificent AVE MARIA of Biebel Sung by Acapella Choir VOCES 8 in an Empty Church will Touch your Soul!

Pope Francis Tells Catholics "Jesus taught us" - “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” FULL TEXT

It's Never to Late to PRAY - Official NOVENA for the Birth of Mary, Blessed Virgin with Plenary Indulgence - Powerful Prayers to Share!