
Saint July 29 : Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus of Bethany - Siblings who were Friends of Jesus!

Following Olympic Controversy the Eucharistic Congress' Bishop Cozzens Challenges Christians to Greater Prayer and Fasting in Reparation

Pope Francis' 3 Ways from the Gospel's Miracle Leading to the Eucharist and Living Holy Mass - Vatican Angelus Message - FULL TEXT + Video

Don't Forget to Visit or Call Your Grandparents or the Elderly on their Special Day! 3 Ways for Young and Old to Obtain the Plenary Indulgence

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, July 28, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

Saint July 28 : Blessed Stanley Francis Rother the 1st US-Born Martyr - Oklahoma Priest and Missionary who Died a Martyr in Guatemala

Saint July 28 : St. Samson a Bishop and Confessor of Wales

Saint July 28 : St Alphonsa a Nun who said "...I will seek refuge in the Sacred Heart of Jesus" - from India

Saint July 28 : St. Victor I the 1st Pope from Africa who Died in 199 AD

#BreakingNews Catholic Bishop Guerrero is Assaulted and Robbed in Mexico

Christianity was Mocked at the Olympics - Bishops of France and Bishop Robert Barron Respond

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday, July 27, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B

Saint July 27 : St. Pantelon a Famous Healer - Patron Saint of Bachelors and Physicians - with Prayer

Vatican Athletes Join Pope Francis' Olympic Truce Call for Peace Instead of War

Eastern Rite, Chaldean Catholic Church Rejects Any Blessing of Same-Sex Unions