
Saint July 8 : St. Priscilla and St. Aquila the Friends of St. Paul and Co-workers in Christ

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : Pope John Paul II : Stars Albert Finney #JPII

Pope Francis says in Politics One Cannot Live a "private faith" but Must have "courage to make proposals for justice and peace in the public debate.”

Cardinal Nichols - Head of England's Catholic Church - Congratulates New Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Offers Prayers

Pope Francis says Let "us renew our commitment to pray and work for peace: for...Ukraine, for Palestine and Israel, for Sudan, Myanmar and every people that suffers because of war."

Pope Francis at Mass says “Let us not be scandalized by Jesus; but, on the contrary, let us be indignant at all those situations where life is degraded, wounded, and killed"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, July 7, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint July 7 : Saint Benedict XI a Dominican Pope who Reigned Only 8 Months Due to Possible Poisoning!

LISTEN to a Heavenly Eucharistic "Ave Verum" by Catholic Convert William Byrd and Sung by VOCES8

Pope Francis Warns Youth about becoming a Slave to their Phones and Says Use Social Media to Build Up Friendship, Peace, and Dialogue

Powerful Prayers to St Maria Goretti who Forgave her Attacker! Plus Modesty Pledge and Novena to Saint Maria Goretti