
Saint June 26 : St. Josemaria Escriva who Revealed a Way to Find God in Daily Living! Founder of Opus Dei - Patron Saint of Diabetics and Ordinary Life

United Kingdom's Ordinariate Now has its 1st Bishop - Former Anglican Vicar David Waller who was Ordained at Westminster Cathedral

Pope Francis Donates a 3rd Ambulance with Medicines to Ukraine Delivered by his Almoner Cardinal Krajewski

Quote to SHARE by Saint Mother Teresa on Kindness “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier."

Pope Francis Appoints Father Dennis Walsh as Bishop of Davenport, Iowa

Pope Francis Appoints Father Scott Bullock as Bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota

Pope Francis Meets with the Traditional Order Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and Encourages their Charism of the Latin Mass

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, June 25, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 25 : St. William of Vercelli who Commanded a Wolf to Help Him! Patron Saint of Childless Couples, Mental Healing, Monks, Against Earthquakes

Archdiocese in Spain Excommunicates and Expels Nuns who after an Investigation have Chosen to Remain in Schism with the Church

Bishop Angkyier of Ghana : Calls for Environmental Stewardship and Renewal at the Jubilee Year Celebration

Wow Catholic Church in France Reveals an Increase of Converts and Vocations with 105 Priests to be Ordained this Year!

Pope Francis Praises Charity in Rome and says "Pilgrims and tourists who come to Rome should "breathe" the air of Christian charity...."

"Summer Christmas" is the Birthday of St John the Baptist and 10 Amazing Facts to Share about this Saintly Cousin of Jesus!