
Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church Explained - Monday after Pentecost - with a Special Prayer to the Mother of our Faith Written by the Pope!

Saint May 19 St. Crispin of Viterbo a Franciscan Lay Brother who Died 1750 and Remains Incorrupt

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : "Karol : A Man who became Pope" on the Life of St. Pope John Paul II - #JP2

Free RECIPE for Pentecost the Holy Spirit Cake which is Easy to Make!

What are the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit - What is the Difference between the Gifts and Fruits Explained!

Pope Francis says Let "us pray to the Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son" - "May the Spirit lead world leaders and each one of us to open doors and pathways to peace" on Pentecost - FULL TEXT + Video

LISTEN to the Top Hymns to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost to SHARE - Wow Breathtaking #Music!

Pope Francis at Pentecost Mass says "...we surrender to the Spirit, not to worldly power. We tirelessly proclaim peace to those who desire war, proclaim forgiveness to those who seek revenge..." FULL TEXT

Pentecost Sunday Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : May 19, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - Solemnity

What is Pentecost? 10 Things to Know and SHARE - The Holy Spirit Descends on Us at #Pentecost - the Solemnity Birthday of the Catholic Church!

Saint May 19 St. Celestine V - the 1st Pope to Resign by Retiring to a Monastery in 1294 and Died 1296 AD

Pope Francis at Mass with 32,000 says ""The Holy Spirit gives us the courage to live the Christian life....Listen to the Spirit, pray to the Spirit, and if it’s Him changing your life, trust the Spirit." in Verona

Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost to Share - Powerful Prayers to Help You in Life! - 1-9

Pope Francis Tells Children "We must be a sign of peace, share, sow goodness, listen to others, play with others, but not argue with others... Let's say it together: We must be a sign of peace!" in Verona

Pope Francis at Peace Arena with 12,500 says "Peace is built through dialogue and recognizing others” - “we must stand by the little ones, respect their dignity" FULL TEXT in Verona + Video

Pope Francis Tells 500 Prisoners "Life is always worth living, always! And there is always hope for the future..." - "let's talk to God about our pain and help each other"

Happy 104th Birthday Saint Pope John Paul II - Born in 1920 in Poland as Karol Wojtyla - #JP2