
Saint April 30 : St. Pius V a Dominican Pope and Reformer who Helped the Poor and Died 1572

Pope Francis Appoints the 1st Bishop of the UK Ordinariate Reverend David Waller who was a Former Anglican Vicar - FULL TEXT

World Central Kitchen Resumes Food Aid to Gaza after Mourning the Killing of 7 of its Workers in the Region

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : St. Catherine of Siena - Drama

Saint Catherine - The Bride of Christ - Insights into her Great Love of Jesus that You can Learn! - by Dr. Gary D. Knight

Catholic Bishops of Scotland Urge Faithful to Reject Government's ‘Dangerous’ Assisted Suicide Proposal

Pope Francis says "When the path becomes difficult...look at Jesus Crucified and look at the eyes and wounds of the poor, and you will see that the answers..."

Easy Novena to St. Catherine of Siena - Powerful Prayer to the Patron Saint of Sickness, Television, Nurses, Miscarriages, Temptation and Europe

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, April 29, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - B

Saint April 29 : St Catherine of Siena who was an Advisor to Popes and a Doctor of the Church! Patron Saint of Television, Nurses and Europe

What is True Devotion? Consecration to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary as Recommended by St. Pope John Paul II and Composed by St. Louis de Montfort

Pope Francis says "I think of beleaguered Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, of the Rohingya and the many...May the God of Peace enlighten hearts so that the will for dialogue and reconciliation may grow.." FULL TEXT

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie on St. Dominic - "Dominic : Light of the Church"

Pope Francis Tells Youth "Remember that for God you are not a digital profile... turn off the TV and open the Gospel – is this too much? – leave your cell phone and meet people!"

Novena to Saint Gianna Beretta Molla - Powerful Prayers to the Pro-Life Patron Saint of Unborn Babies , Mothers , and Physicians

Pope Francis in Venice says "I would like to send this message to everyone: the world needs artists." to Artists - FULL TEXT

Saint April 28 St. Peter Chanel who "...had a heart of gold with the simple faith of a child, and he led the life of an angel."- Patron Saint of #Oceania

Pope Francis begins Visit to Venice at a Women's Prison saying Start "each day by saying..."today I begin again" - "Let's not forget that we all have mistakes to be forgiven for and wounds to heal" FULL TEXT

Pope Francis at Mass with Over 10,000 says "Jesus is the vine, we are the in Jesus, the bond with Him does not imprison our freedom but, on the contrary, opens us to welcome...God's love" FULL TEXT in Venice