
Saint April 22 : St. Opportuna a Virgin and Abbess whose Brother was a Saintly Bishop!

WATCH a Free Catholic Movie : "Karol : A Man who became Pope" on the Life of Pope St. John Paul II - #JP2

What is a Vocation? Is God Calling You to be a Priest, Nun or Religious? World Day of Prayer for Vocations + How You Can Help Vocations Explained!

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn "The King of Love my Shepherd is" Based on Psalm 23 with Choir!

Pope Francis says "Every day, I pray for peace in Palestine and Israel" and "Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who sacrificed his life for us" FULL TEXT + Video - Vatican

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, April 21, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church - 4th of Easter

Saint April 21 : St. Anselm a Doctor of the Church and Archbishop of Canterbury and Philosopher who Proved the Existence of God!

Pope Francis says "continue your work of historical research by opening up horizons for dialogue, where you can bring the light of hope of the Gospel" to Historians - FULL TEXT

New Christian Movie Unsung Hero Tells the True Story of For King & Country's Parents who Beat the Odds with Faith in God! WATCH the Trailer

Pope Francis Offers 4 Points for Formation saying to Seminarians "that this journey of configuration to Jesus the Good Shepherd must be done by taking care of four aspects..." FULL TEXT

Vatican's Dicastery Announces New Governance for the Arlington Carmelite Nuns who Feuded with Bishop Olson of Fort Worth, Texas

Pope Francis Names New Auxiliary Bishop from the Philippines, Fr. Reynaldo Bersabal, for the Diocese of Sacramento, California

Pope Francis Highlights 3 Key Values of Saintly Pope Pius VII who Showed Mercy during the "disorder caused by the French revolution and the Napoleonic invasions"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Saturday, April 20, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint April 20 : Saint Agnes of Montepulciano a Miracle Worker Nun who Became a Prioress at Age 15 and whose Body is Incorrupt!

Saintly Young Catholic Missionary Helena Kmieć from Poland, who was Killed in Bolivia, is Now on the Path to Canonization!