
Saint October 2 : Guardian Angels Feast - Every Human has their Very Own Guardian Angel and Today is their Day!

After Pope Francis' Visit Catholic Bishops of Canada Seek to Deepen Their Commitments to Walk Together with Indigenous Partners on the Healing and Reconciliation

30th Annual Week of Prayer and Fasting Begins in Washington, DC and Globally that Received a Blessing from St. Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis

US Bishops’ President Calls on Everyone to Pray in Solidarity with Those Impacted by Hurricanes

Quote to SHARE by St. Thérèse “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always..."

Pope Francis says "Brothers and sisters, the Church and consecrated life are experiencing a unique historical moment in which they have the possibility of renewing themselves in order to respond..." FULL TEXT to Redemptorists

Did You Know that October is Dedicated to the Rosary? PRAY the Rosary During October and Come Closer to Jesus and Mary!

Powerful Prayers to St.Therese Little Flower with Litany, Rosary + Novena to Saint Therese to Share! #LittleFlower

Saints of October - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of October - Inspirational Saint Stories to SHARE!

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video 1st Saturday, October 1, 2022 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint October 1 : St. Therese of Lisieux, Little Flower, the Patron of AIDS, Illness, and Missionaries - Famous for Sending Roses from Heaven!

Pope Francis Explains "The Church feels close to the world of sport, because she sees games and sporting activities as a place of personal encounter for people, a formation in virtue and fraternity."

Vatican Finance Trial Resumes with Witnesses Giving Testimony

90-Year-Old Cardinal Emeritus Zen's Trial is Adjourned before Defense can Call on Witnesses in Hong Kong

Pope Francis Tells Youth "You too, then, must not remain a “sleeping beauty”..." "The beauty that Jesus revealed to us is a splendour that communicates itself through action..."

Pope Francis' Representative in Germany Nuncio Nikola Eterovic Expresses Concerns over Synodal Way to German Bishops

Quote to SHARE by St Jerome “Martyrdom does not consist only in dying for one’s faith. Martyrdom also consists in serving God with love and purity..."

Persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua Heightens as President Daniel Ortega Calls the Church's Leaders "Tyrants"

Pope Francis says "Another testimony that Saint Thomas has left us was his deep relationship with God, which is manifested, for example, in the adoration of Jesus in his real presence in the Eucharist."