
Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Monday, July 27, 2020 - Virtual Church

Saint July 27 : St. Pantelon the Patron of Bachelors and Physicians - with Prayer

RIP Famous TV Host Regis Philbin, who was Catholic and will have Funeral Service at Notre Dame - Rare Interview with Cardinal

Easy Novena to St Anne, Mother of Mary, and St. Joachim - #Prayers to Share!

Pope Francis says "Jesus, Who is the hidden treasure and the pearl of great value, cannot but inspire joy..." Full Text

Sunday Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Sun., July 26, 2020 - Virtual Church - 17th Ord. Time - A

Saint July 26 : Saint Joachim the Father of Mary and Grandfather of Jesus

Saint July 26 : St. Anne the Grandmother of Jesus and Patron of Wives, Women in Labor, Canada

Prayer to St. Christopher for Safe Travels and Motorists - Share #StChristopher 's Prayer!

Novena to St. James the Greater the Patron of Arthritis, Veterinarians and #Compostela Pilgrims