
Pope Francis "..because God has wrought this victory in us, we can sing the praises together." Ecumenical Vespers FULL TEXT + Video

#Novena to St. Paul for Conversion - #Prayers for #Conversion to SHARE

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Thursday January 24, 2018 - #Eucharist

Saint January 25 : Conversion of St. Paul - #StPaul Apostle

Pope Francis "... we repeat in every Mass: the gift of peace, which only the dead and risen Jesus can give.." FULL TEXT - Audience + Video

Pope Francis "Lord, make us instruments of your peace." FULL TEXT #Communications Day Message

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Wed. January 24, 2018 - #Eucharist

SHARE #Novena to St. Francis de Sales - #Litany and #Prayers