
Saint January 4 : St. Elizabeth Ann Seton : #Foundress of the #Sisters of #Charity ; Patron of Catholic Schools

What is Epiphany - 3 Kings visit Jesus - #Novena - CMB #Blessing House - SHARE

#PopeFrancis "...we are called to throw open the door of our heart to the Word of God, to Jesus.." #Angelus of 2016 FULL TEXT - Video

Free Movie : The 4th Wise Man - Stars Martin Sheen

3 Kings Cake Recipe for Epiphany - #Traditional #German #Recipe

#Epiphany Sunday Mass Online : January 3, 2016 - Readings and Video

Holy Name of Jesus Feast : #Prayers - #Litany - Novena to the Holy Name - SHARE

Saint January 3 : St. Genevieve : #Virgin : #Patroness of #Paris

#BreakingNews Tallest #Statue of Jesus unveiled in #Nigeria Africa - SHARE

Catholic #Quote to SHARE by #StBasil "True fasting lies is rejecting evil, holding one's tongue, suppressing one's hatred, and banishing one's lust, evil words..."

Today's Mass Readings and Video : Sat. January 2, 2016

Saint January 2 : St. Basil the Great : Patron of #Exorcism, #Hospital administrators, #Reformers, Monks, Education, Liturgists