
Saint John XXIII was the Pope who Started Vatican Council II and is Patron Saint of Christian Unity - Saint of October 11

RIP Ethel Kennedy - Wife of Robert Kennedy Dies - A Devout Catholic and Mother of 11

Churches for Middle East Peace Commemorates the One Year Anniversary of Oct. 7th

Vatican Synod Update Highlights Ecumenism with Input from Anglicans and Mennonites "holiness is the surest path to unity.”

Hurricane Milton's Death Toll Rises as Catholic Charities Launches a Relief Campaign

Pope Francis says "cultivate" - "values ​​inherent to sport, the values ​​proper to sport: perseverance, sincerity, friendship, solidarity."

Quote to SHARE by St. Thérèse "It is not to remain in a golden ciborium that He comes down each day from Heaven, but to find another Heaven..."

St. Francis Borgia, a Jesuit, Great-Grandson of Pope Alexander VI! Patron Saint of Earthquakes and Portugal - Saint of October 10

Holy Mass Bible Readings and Video : October 10, 2024 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Daniel Comboni - 1st Catholic Bishop of Central Africa - a Great Missionary and Founder of the Comboni Missionaries! Saint of October 10

Vatican Synod UPDATE Discussions on Deacons, Co-Responsibility of Parents, Women's Roles, and the Poor “the presence of the laity is indispensable"

LISTEN to a Beautiful Hymn Written by St Cardinal JH Newman "Lead Kindly Light" Sung by a Magnificent Choir - VIDEO

Pope Francis says "I urge you all to recite the Rosary every day....we entrust the suffering and the desire for peace...." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Vatican Synod Members Raise Over Sixty Thousand in Funds for Gaza's Catholic Church - Day 6 Synod Briefing

St. John Leonardi who Founded the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine - Patron Saint of Pharmacists - Saint of October 9

St. Denis who Preached after his Head was Removed! Patron Saint of Headaches, Rabies, and Possessed People with Novena Prayer

St John Henry Newman a Convert from Anglicanism - whose Motto was Cor ad cor loquitur - Patron Saint of Poets - Saint of October 9

Wow Thousands on the Streets in the US and Canada at Annual Life Chains for the Pro-Life Cause - #LifeChain

Vatican Synod at Briefing says "The Church must build bridges and be a bridge itself."

Activists Destroy March for Life Stage but Thousands Still Marched for the Unborn in Austria Despite Attacks

Synod Members say "we must all be artisans of peace"

Pope Francis Warns of New Forms of Paganism and says Preach with "witness, service and faith.... we must do it with prayer.”

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday October 8, 2024 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Pelagia was a Virgin who Died in 311 at the Age of 15 while Trying to Escape from Soldiers! Saint of October 8

Our Lady of Good Remedy who Helped Provide Money to Free Enslaved Christians! Feast Day Oct. 8 - Patroness of Money Problems - with Novena Prayer

Pope Francis Writes "Please, let us devote time to prayer and rediscover the saving power of fasting!" - "As Christians, we must never tire of imploring peace from God." Letter to Middle East Christians - FULL TEXT

How to Say the ROSARY - an Easy GUIDE to SHARE - with #Rosary Videos - Prayer Will Change the World!

Quote to SHARE by Pope St. John Paul II "The rosary is a prayer both so humble and simple and theologically rich in Biblical content. I beg you to pray it" #JPII

Novena to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - Powerful Prayer to the Mother of Jesus!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday October 7, 2024 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church