
Holy Mass Readings and Video : Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - #Eucharist - in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Joseph of Cupertino the Saint who could Fly! Patron Saint of Students, Pilots and Mentally Handicapped - Saint of September 18 - BIOGRAPHY

Top 10 QUOTES of St Hildegard von Bingen to Inspire Your Life and Share! "Even in a world that's being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong."

Wow Superstar Lyodra Ginting of Indonesia, a Catholic, was Honored to Participate at Pope Francis' Mass on his Visit - VIDEO

Special PRAYER by St. Hildegard von Bingen and Prayer for her Intercession! Patron Saint of Music, Medicine, Theology

Pope Francis' World Youth Day Message "As Blessed Carlo Acutis said, the Eucharist is the highway to heaven. Carlo made the Eucharist his most important daily appointment!" FULL TEXT

Wow LISTEN to Beautiful Heavenly Music by St. Hildegard von Bingen Honoring Our Lady "O tu suavissima virga"

Pope Francis Tells Youth "...peace needs to be built! God loves every man; He makes no differences among us" FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

St. Robert Bellarmine a Doctor of the Church and Nephew of a Pope! Patron Saint of Catechists, Canon Lawyers and Catechumens - Saint of September 17

Free RECIPE St. Hildegard's Cookies of Joy or Energy Cookies

Saint Hildegard von Bingen a Doctor of the Church - Patron Saint of Music and Medicine who Founded a Monastery - BIOGRAPHY - Saint of September 17

New Location of the Next International Eucharistic Congress Announced at the Conclusion of Quito's Congress to Over 25 Thousand Faithful

Authorities in Indonesia Prevented a Planned Attack on the Life of Pope Francis Before his Visit

Synod to Include Penitential Vigil with Confession and the Pope will Ask God for Forgiveness on Behalf of the Church

Vatican Announces a Press Conference on the "spiritual experience" of Medjugorje

RIP Bishop Emeritus Edward Slattery - Catholic Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, Announces the Death of Bishop Slattery

Saintly Patriarch Gregory Agagianian - whose Body Appears Incorrupt Since 1971 - Remains were Enshrined in Lebanon with Great Joy and Thousands Attending!

RIP Fr. Fabrício Rodrigues - Young Catholic Priest who was Popular on Social Media Dies in an Accident

Wow Large Crowd at March for Life in Switzerland to Defend the Unborn!

RIP James Likoudis Who Was a Beacon of Catholic Faith in a Changing World

US March for Life Announces their New President-Elect who is a Longtime Marcher and Mother