
Saint July 25 : St. James the Greater the Apostle of Jesus - One of the "Sons of thunder" - Patron Saint of Veterinarians, Pharmacists and Compostela in Spain

Saint July 24 : St. John Boste : Priest and Martyr in Elizabethan England

Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith Approves Spiritual Experiences of the Trinity at Shrine in Italy

#BreakingNews Over 200 Christian Bishops and Leaders Call for a Gaza Ceasefire as the Death Toll Nears 40,000

Vatican's Independent Investigation Clears Cardinal Lacroix who Now Resumes his Duties in the Diocese of Quebec

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

Saint July 24 : St. Christina of Bolsena - Young Christian Martyr who Stood up to her Father's Pagan Beliefs and was Protected by Angels!

Powerful Prayers to St. Charbel - Known for the Most Recorded Miracles! Novena Prayer to the Miracle-Worker of the East

Saint July 24 : St. Christina the Astonishing who Died and then Levitated During her Funeral and Lived a Penitential Life

Saint July 24 : Saint Charbel the Wonder-worker of the East - who Could Levitate! Patron Saint of Maronites and Lebanon

Wow Countdown to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador in September - 12 Things to Know!

#BreakingNews Ukraine's President Zelensky says "we have to finish the war" Following Meeting for Peace with Pope Francis' Legate Cardinal Parolin

Desire to Imitate the US National Eucharistic Congress in Other Countries Increases to Grow Faith in the Eucharist Around the World!

Olympic Truce Opening Holy Mass is Celebrated in Paris in Hopes that Peace will Come to Our World

Famous 15 Prayers and Promises on Passion of Christ are Powerful against Evil - from St. Bridget in Pieta Booklet