
Saint July 2 : St. Bernardino Realino a Jesuit who Performed Miracles and Cherished the Poor

Pope Francis and Cardinals Approve Canonizations for 15 Including a Canadian Nun and Carlo Acutis whose Ceremony was Postponed

Canada Day History - Catholic Church in CANADA + LIST of Canadian SAINTS with Litany and PRAYER for Canada - a Nation Formed on July 1st 1867!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, July 1, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

Saints of JULY - List of SAINT Feast Days for the Month of July - Inspiring True Stories to SHARE!

JULY a Month Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus - 3 Powerful Prayers to the Precious Blood to Share!

Saint July 1 : Saint Junípero Serra the Great Franciscan Spanish Missionary of California!

Wow LISTEN to a Stunning "Agnes Dei" by VOCES8 Set to Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings

WATCH a Free Christian Movie : St. Peter - Stars Robert Loggia #StPeter

Pope Francis says We "implore the Sacred Heart of Jesus to touch the hearts of those who desire war, so that they may be converted to plans of dialogue and peace"

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, June 30, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 30 : Protomartyrs of Rome - who Suffered Death under Emperor Nero in Rome

#BreakingNews 2 Ukrainian Priests Freed by Russia with the Help of Pope Francis and Vatican Diplomacy

Pope Francis says "I think with sorrow of the...suffering because of war: let us pray for all the populations wounded and threatened by fighting, that God may free them..."

Powerful Prayers to the 1st Leaders of the Catholic Church + Novena to Saint Peter and Saint Paul Apostles

Pope's Day! Pope's Day Explained - 6 Things to Know and Share with Complete List of Popes of the Catholic Church!

Saint June 29 : St. Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles Converted after a Vision of Christ - Patron Saint of Journalists, Musicians and Evangelists

Pope Francis at Mass says "Jesus, as we heard in the Gospel, entrusted the keys of the Kingdom to Peter..." and Blesses Palliums on Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul

Happy Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul - Holy Mass Online - Saturday, June 29, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 29 : St. Peter, Apostle and 1st Pope Chosen by Jesus in the Bible - Patron Saint of Fishermen, Bakers, and the Church