
WATCH - Free Catholic Movie - True Story of the Life of Saint Mariam

Saint June 21 : St. Aloysius Gonzaga who Cried with Love before the Eucharist! Patron Saint of Youth, AIDS Victims and Caregivers with Special Prayer

Pope Francis to University Students ""While it can be tempting to have a diluted, lukewarm Christianity.... we must be solid, and must live a sort of martyrdom, in this sense." via Live-Stream

US Bishops' New Statement Urges Avoidance of Political Violence and Calls for Pursuit of Peace Through Dialogue and Justice - USCCB

Pope Francis Tells Scientists "science and faith are grounded alike in the absolute truth of God" on Anniversary of Big Bang Theory Developer Priest Lemaître

USCCB - “On World Refugee Day, we reflect on the urgent need to promote the dignity and rights of refugees....As Catholics, we are called by the embrace our brothers and sisters..."

#BreakingNews Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is Charged with Schism by the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

USCCB's Pro-Life Chairman Bishop Burbidge on Anniversary of Dobbs Decision and the Impact of the Eucharistic Revival on the Pro-Life Movement

Why You Should PRAY the Rosary's Luminous Mysteries which Saint Pope John Paul II Recommended and often Recited on Thursdays! VIDEO Guide!

Pope Francis at Ecumenical Meeting says "Jesus Christ is the heart of ecumenism. He is divine mercy incarnate, and our ecumenical mission is to bear witness to him."

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday, June 20, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 20 : St. Silverius the Son of Pope Hormisdas and also became Pope then Died in 537

Saint June 19 : St. Romuald who Died at Age 120! Abbot and Founder of the Camaldolese Order

US Bishops' Chairman of African American Affairs - Bishop Perry Explains Why and How Catholics Should Celebrate Juneteenth

US Bishops' Chairman Bishop Seitz Praises Government's New Migration "program for the undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens"

Pope Francis says Read the Psalms with Faith as they "help us to open ourselves to a prayer that is less focused on ourselves" - "and “breathe” God, every time they are read with faith."

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - #Eucharist - Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 19 : Saint Juliana Falconieri a Nun and Foundress - the Eucharist Appeared Stamped on her Heart at Death!