
Saint June 3 : St. Clotilde the Queen of France, Wife of King Clovis, who was Dedicated to Prayer - Patron Saint of Brides, Adopted Children and Widows

TOP 10 Quotes on the EUCHARIST to Inspire You Every Day and Ignite Your Love of Jesus!

Pope Francis at Corpus Christi Mass says “God does not abandon us" and at the Procession “We are not doing this to show off...but to invite everyone to participate, in the Bread of the Eucharist, in the new life that Jesus has given us.”

RIP Cardinal Kelvin Edward Felix, Archbishop Emeritus of Castries - Pope Francis Sends Condolences on the Death of Cardinal Felix

Pope Francis says "Jesus made a gift of His entire life....thanks to the Eucharist, we of a new world: when we overcome selfishness and open ourselves up to love..."

EUCHARIST or Holy Communion Explained - 5 Points You Need to Know and Share from the Bible and Catechism - Corpus Christi Explained!

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Corpus Christi Sunday, June 2, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 2 : St. Marcellinus a Priest and St. Peter an Exorcist both Martyrs who Died in 304

What is the Right Attitude You Need Towards the Eucharist? 7 Key Insights to Consider when in the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

Pope Francis says "Our world, we know, is marked by conflicts and divisions, and your testimony as peacemakers, as intercessors for peace, is more necessary and precious than ever."

SAINTS of JUNE - List of Saint Feast Days for the Month of June - Inspiring Stories to Share!

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for the Month of June "For migrants fleeing their homes - We pray that migrants fleeing from war or..." FULL TEXT + Video

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : 1st Saturday, June 1, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

JUNE is Dedicated to the Sacred HEART of JESUS - Explained - Consecrate your FAMILY to JESUS for Protection! Special Prayers Included