
Saint November 11 : St. Martin of Tours who Split his Coat for a Poor Man - Former Soldier who Became a Bishop - Patron Saint of the Poor, Alcoholics, Beggars and Soldiers

COMECE Bishops Call for Peace and Recommend that "...disarmament agreements should be equally prioritised in view of fostering mutual trust as a pillar of international stability."

U.S. Bishops’ Migration Chairman Sends Recommendations to Congress on Enhancing Protections for Noncitizen Children

Quote to SHARE by St. Leo the Great “Our sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ has no other purpose than to transform us into that which we receive.”

Pope Francis "Peace is built not with weapons, but through patient listening..." - "No war is worth the tears of a mother who has seen her child mutilated or killed"

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Friday, November 10, 2023 - Eucharist Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint November 10 : ST. LEO the GREAT a Pope who Prevented an Attack by Attila the Hun and a Doctor of the Church!

Basilica of Saint John Lateran Begins Celebrations for its 1,700th Anniversary in the Diocese of Rome

22,000 People Join in a Living Rosary at a Sports Stadium in Mexico for an End to Violence - VIDEO

Pope Francis says "We are sadly witnessing a tragedy unfolding in the very places where the Lord lived, where He taught us through His humanity to love, to forgive, and to do good to all."

Vatican Answers Dubia Regarding the Sacraments and Transgender and Homoaffective Persons with Several Conditions

Pope Francis says "It is our duty, the responsibility of each person, to give a voice to our voiceless sisters: the women who are victims of abuse..." FULL TEXT

After Soccer Player Luis Diaz's Kidnapped Father was Released the Bishops of Colombia Denounce all Kidnappings