
Saint April 22 : St. Opportuna a Virgin and Abbess whose Brother was a Saintly Bishop

Vatican Releases Updated Schedule of Pope Francis' Trip to Hungary and Statistics of the Catholic Population in the Country

US Bishops' on Persecution in Nicaragua "call on the United States Government and the entire international community to continue to work for the release of Bishop Alvarez, and for a restoration of peace..." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis to the Papal Foundation that has Donated $200 Million to the Poor "...charitable service, which relies on the goodwill and generosity of so many people around the world." FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Friday, April 21, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint April 21 : St. Anselm a Doctor of the Church and Archbishop of Canterbury who Argued for the Existence of God

WATCH a Free Pro-Life Movie - Crescendo - Amazing Produced by Justin Bieber's Mother - SHARE!

Christian Solidarity Reports 33 Killed including 14 Children and a 5-Year-Old Beheaded in Nigeria, Africa

BREAKING Washington State Rejects Amendment to Bill which Intends to force Priests to violate the Seal of Confession - Bishop Thomas Daly of Spokane's Statement

Pope Francis meets Interfaith Leaders from Manchester and Encourages Care of God's Gift of Creation

US Bishops' President Archbishop Broglio's Statement "It is inhumane to provide fully taxpayer-funded abortion (which itself can increase mental health risks) as a so-called solution to pregnancy..." on Senate Vote

Pope Francis explains that Biblically " Christ, even suffering is transformed into love, and the end of the things of this world becomes a hope of resurrection and salvation..."

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : Thursday, April 20, 2023 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Pope Francis gives a Fragment from the True Cross to King Charles III of the United Kingdom as a Coronation Gift

Saint April 20 : St. Agnes of Montepulciano a Dominican Nun and Foundress who Became a Prioress at Age 15

Archdiocese of Boston Responds to the “Satancon” Convention by Gathering in Prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and Increased Vigilance - FULL TEXT