
Bishop Angkyier of Ghana : Calls for Environmental Stewardship and Renewal at the Jubilee Year Celebration

Wow Catholic Church in France Reveals an Increase of Converts and Vocations with 105 Priests to be Ordained this Year!

Pope Francis Praises Charity in Rome and says "Pilgrims and tourists who come to Rome should "breathe" the air of Christian charity...."

"Summer Christmas" is the Birthday of St John the Baptist and 10 Amazing Facts to Share about this Saintly Cousin of Jesus!

Pope Francis Appoints Archbishop Georg Gänswein as Apostolic Nuncio to the Baltic States

US Bishops Affirm Protection of Vulnerable Families from Domestic Violence, Archbishop Gudziak

Saint June 24 : St. María Guadalupe Zavala who Broke Off her Engagement as Jesus was Calling her to Love Him by Becoming a Nun (1878-1963)

Powerful Prayer to Saint John the Baptist the Cousin of Jesus - Novena to St John the Baptist with Indulgence

Pope Francis Praises Missionary Activity that Helped Re-Evangelize Europe as Influenced by St Columban

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Monday, June 24 in Your Virtual Church - Solemnity of the Birth of Saint John the Baptist

Saint June 24 : Birth of St. John the Baptist the Cousin of Jesus and Patron Saint of Baptism, Epilepsy and Motorways

Saint June 23 : St. Joseph Cafasso a Seminary Teacher of St. John Bosco who Ministered to Criminals Condemned to Death

Pope Francis Visits the Church of his Confessor who Died at Age 85 - RIP Father Manuel Blanco

Wow 30,000 at March for Life in Italy with Many Families and Pope Francis' Encouragement “Move forward with courage despite all adversity” VIDEO

Pope Francis says Cling to Jesus in Trials "to find calm and peace, in prayer, silence" and Calls for Peace Negotiations - FULL TEXT

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Sunday, June 23, 2024 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

Saint June 23 : St. Etheldreda of Ely a Queen who became a Nun after 2 Marriages - Patron Saint of Widows and Sore Throat or Necks

Pope Francis Quotes Scientist's Warning "The development of full AI could spell the end of the human race… " and Calls for "absolute necessity of the development and ethical use of AI, inviting the direction of...peace."

Our Lady of the Cape a Brief History with Prayer to the Miraculous Lady of the Cape of Canada - Feast Day June 22