
#Novena to St. Charles Lwanga and Martyrs of #Uganda in #Africa - SHARE

Saint June 3 : St. Clotilde : Patron of #Brides , #Adopted Children and #Widows

Saint June 3 : Sts. Charles Lwanga, Joseph Mkasa, Martyrs of Uganda : Patrons of African Catholic Youth

What is the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Brief History and #Novena with #Litany to the #SacredHeart - Prayers to SHARE

Pope Francis meets with Second Group of Abuse Victims from Chile to "remedy the internal rupture in the community" - Video

Wow Young Christian Child age 6 in Pakistan - Brings Peace through Social Media : Gabriel the "Peace Boy"

Vatican Publishes New Document "Giving the best of yourself" on Sports - FULL Official Text by Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life