
Pope Francis' Ash Wednesday Homily "It is the Father's forgiveness that always puts us back on our feet: God's forgiveness, Confession, is the first step..." FULL TEXT + Video

Holy Mass Online - Readings and Video : #AshWednesday , February 17, 2021 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Church

Saint February 17 : Founders of the Orders of Servites - 7 Youths to whom the Blessed Virgin Appeared

Pope Francis Remembers 21 Coptic Christians Killed in Libya "Saints of all Christian denominations...those who have blanched their lives in the blood of the Lamb." FULL TEXT

What is LENT and ASH Wednesday? - All You Need to Know from Bible Roots to Church Rules in 4 Minutes to SHARE!

Powerful Prayers to SHARE to the Holy Face of Jesus with Novena, Litany and Promises - Feast on Shrove Tuesday

What is Mardi Gras or Pancake Tuesday - Answers and Free #Recipe to SHARE