
US Bishops' President Broglio Asks to Meet President Trump and Responds to JD Vance's Remarks “We spend more than we receive to help the poor."

US Bishops' Chair Bishop O'Connell Welcomes President Trump's Order Promoting Parental Choice in Education

US Bishops' Chair says “Our Church recognizes the primacy of parents as the first educators" - "Catholic schools are committed to working alongside them"

Bishop Robert Barron Praises President Trump's Order on Gender “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation” - USCCB

US Bishops' Chair Bishop Seitz Pleads with President Trump to Pivot from Policies that Will Subject Vulnerable Families to Grave Danger

US Bishops' President Archbishop Broglio says Some of Trump's Executive Orders are "are deeply troubling and will have negative consequences" FULL TEXT

US Bishops' Annual Report on the State of Religious Liberty in the United States with Immigration Policy as a Critical Concern

US Bishops Issue a Prayer for the New President of the United States Donald Trump on Inauguration Day - FULL TEXT USCCB

US Bishops' Welcome Ceasefire but Hope for a Lasting Peace Especially in Gaza

US Bishops Announce Prayer Vigil for Life “I enthusiastically invite Catholics from all around the country to join me in-person or virtually, in praying for an end to abortion..."

US Bishops Fall Assembly with 6 Key Insights in a Recap of the Meeting of the American Catholic Hierarchy

US Bishops Urge the Faithful to Join in Praying this Novena to Christ the King for Religious Liberty - USCCB

US Bishops Announce "“We Stand in Firm Solidarity with Our Immigrant Brothers and Sisters” - FULL TEXT

US Bishops at their Plenary Assembly in Baltimore Elect 6 New Chairmen Bishops - USCCB

US Bishops' President Archbishop Broglio "We continue the mission to proclaim our faith in the Eucharist, to help the faithful..." FULL TEXT to USCCB Assembly

US Nuncio Cardinal Pierre Tells Bishops "Look to the heart: your own heart, the heart of Christ, and the heart of the other person." FULL TEXT

US Bishops' Head Archbishop Broglio says "We are anxious to see peace return....where our Lord walked and we join the Bishop of Rome in his earnest appeal for dialogue..." at USCCB Assembly FULL TEXT

US Bishops' Pro-Life Chairman Bishop Burbidge "the Catholic Church cannot condone procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) that result in a loss of life at a massive scale."

US Bishops' President Responds to Military's New Abortion Policy "I deplore this decision that once more removes the right to life for the defenseless..." FULL TEXT

US Bishops' President Arbishop Broglio's Statement on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day "Each of us can and must work for justice and peace, remembering Rev. King’s call..." FULL TEXT