
Pope Francis says "This is the key. Compassion is God's imprint on our hearts." Vatican Synod Evening Prayer for Migrants and Refugees - FULL TEXT

On the Synod - US Bishop Flores says “I have simply heard honest, sincere, faithful, charitable conversations...That is not a threat to the Faith” FULL Video Briefing

Synod Briefing - Archbishop Stankevičs says "homosexual persons should also be welcomed" but "homosexual couples are called to live in chastity because any sexual relationship outside of marriage is a sin"

Vatican Synod Mass with Archbishop Gintaras Grušas "To receive mercy, one must first ask for God’s mercy. Inner peace (shalom) is the sign of receiving..." FULL TEXT Homily + Video

Fr. Timothy Radcliffe O.P. gives Spiritual Inputs from the Council of Jerusalem at the Vatican Synod "We are gathered in the Eucharist so as to be sent out." FULL TEXT

Vatican Synod's Estela P. Padilla says "reading the signs of the times and heeding the call of God to be bridges of peace and become peace builders, to continue to dialogue..." on the Church in Asia - FULL TEXT

Bishop Shane Mackinlay Responds at the Synod to the Question "What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?"

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich at the Vatican's Synod - Introduction to Module of Participation, Governance and Authority - FULL TEXT + Video

Synod Reaches a Half-way point and Highlights Importance of Women in the Church

Vatican Synod's Sister Murray describes of Synodality as "putting Jesus and the Spirit at the centre of our life, and listening to the voice of everyone in a religious community in order to discern where God is calling one at this time..."

Synod Members Held a Moment of Silence and Prayed for Peace then Listened to Religious Sister Maria who Chaired a Session

Vatican Synod Members Hear Testimony of the Power of Prayer from an Arab Catholic and Visit the Catacombs in Pilgrimage to the Early Martyrs - VIDEO