
Powerful PRAYER to St. Monica, Mother of St. Augustine - Patron Saint of Mothers and Converts - Novena to Saint Monica to Share!

PRAY the Stations of the RESURRECTION during Easter - Known as the Via Lucis or The Way of Light Explained with FULL Prayers

Powerful Ancient Short Prayer for Lent by St Ephrem "Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of laziness, discouragement, lust..."

PRAY the Beautiful Ancient Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Litany of Our Lady of Loreto with Indulgence

Powerful Prayers for the Solemnity Immaculate Conception of Mary - Official Novena Prayer with Plenary Indulgence

How to Say the ROSARY - an Easy GUIDE to Share - with #Rosary Videos - Prayer Will Change the World!

Novena to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary - Powerful Prayers to the Mother of Jesus!

7 Special PRAYERS to Your Guardian ANGELS that will Protect You and Your Family in Life! Novena to Guardian Angels, Litany, Chaplet to Share!

Special PRAYER by St. Hildegard von Bingen and Prayer for her Intercession + VIDEO Biography - Patron Saint of Music, Medicine, Theology