
Pope Francis says "I encourage you to renew your hope in Jesus." - "Let us pray that the Lord may give us all peace." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "Every day I pray that this war will finally end...and, therefore, I ask for a ceasefire" at Vatican "Invocation for Peace" with Israeli and Palestinian Ambassadors

Pope Francis says "Children suffer, children in war suffer. Let us pray to the Lord to be close to all and give us the grace of peace. Amen." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "...a lesson for the whole Church: it is not enough to provide bread to fill stomachs; we need to fill people’s hearts! - "with the love of Jesus" at Meet with Poor and Refugees

Pope Francis says " it is important to...leave time and space for Jesus, not to hide anything from him, to bring him our miseries, to let ourselves be wounded by his truth, to let our heart vibrate at the breath of his Word." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "...the educational mission of the family is spoken of as a ministry of evangelization, which makes it a place of genuine Christian initiation..."

Vatican Releases Updated Schedule of Pope Francis' Trip to Hungary and Statistics of the Catholic Population in the Country

Pope Francis gives a Fragment from the True Cross to King Charles III of the United Kingdom as a Coronation Gift

Pope Francis says "...Christians, by participating assiduously in the celebration of the Eucharist, were led by the Spirit to base their lives on that mystery of love..." FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis says "The experience of Pentecost is....made concrete in the daily celebration of the Eucharist, in the adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament, in the life of prayer..." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis on Divine Mercy Sunday Prays for Peace among Russia and Ukraine and Wishes a Happy Easter to the Eastern Churches - FULL TEXT + Video from the Vatican

FULL TEXT Homily of Pope Francis at the Easter Vigil "Return to Him, rediscover the grace of the resurrection of God in you! " with Baptism of 8 People - VIDEO

Pope Francis' Palm Sunday Homily "Christ took this to the cross, taking upon himself the sin of the world." Why? "For Us" FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis says "Jesus tells us, “I want you free and alive, I will not abandon you and I am with you!" FULL TEXT from the Vatican + Video