
#BreakingNews Pope Francis' Farewell to Timor-Leste and Safe Arrival in Singapore with a Warm Welcome at his Last Stop - VIDEO

Pope Francis Asks Youth "Who is the person, in all of history, who has been able to forgive and wants to reconcile?" "Jesus our brother who loves us all, right?" - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Tells Religious "You are the fragrance of Christ, you are the fragrance of the Gospel" - "The Church exists to evangelize, and we are called to bring to others..." FULL TEXT

Wow Pope Francis at Mass with 600,000 says God's closeness is through a child. “In every part of the world,” the Birth of a Child is a “shining moment of joy"

Pope Francis Visits Disabled Children Cared for by Nuns and says "We cannot understand the love of Jesus if we do not start practicing love." VIDEO

Pope Francis Welcomed by Thousands in 98% Catholic Timor-Leste saying "thanks to....your faith, you transformed pain into joy. May the desire for peace prevail in other situations" in the World FULL TEXT