
Pope Francis Asks Youth "Think carefully: do you have a common language?" - "The language of love!"

Pope Francis Tells Catholics "Jesus taught us" - “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Prays "Queen of Peace, help us be converted to God’s plans, which are plans of peace and justice for the great human family!"

Pope Francis at Mass says ”This is the most important thing: to open ourselves to ourselves to the Gospel and make it a compass for our lives.” in Papua New Guinea

Pope Francis Tells Religious "Close to Jesus...we are spiritually united with all our brothers and sisters...ignited by the desire that the whole world may know the Gospel...."

Pope Francis Tells Street Children “None of us is like anyone else, because we are all unique in God’s eyes!” FULL TEXT in Papua New Guinea

Pope Francis says "For all those who profess to be Christians...I fervently hope that faith will never be reduced just to the observance of rituals...instead by love, love of Jesus Christ..." FULL TEXT

#BreakingNews Pope Francis Arrives in Papua New Guinea the Furthest he has Ever Travelled!