
Pope Francis says Listen to the Voice of Mary in All Moments "Do not be afraid, am I not here, I who am your Mother?" on Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass

Pope Francis says Cling to Jesus in Trials "to find calm and peace, in prayer, silence" and Calls for Peace Negotiations - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "Children suffer, children in war suffer. Let us pray to the Lord to be close to all and give us the grace of peace. Amen." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "The Lord's gaze on each one of us," and Prays for Peace - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis at 1st Angelus Since his Surgery says "God is not distant, he is a Father, he knows you and he loves you" and Prays for Peace - FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis says " it is important to...leave time and space for Jesus, not to hide anything from him, to bring him our miseries, to let ourselves be wounded by his truth, to let our heart vibrate at the breath of his Word." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "...Christians, by participating assiduously in the celebration of the Eucharist, were led by the Spirit to base their lives on that mystery of love..." FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis' Homily "Without God, without his grace, we are not healed of our sin. His grace is the source of our change." on Solemnity of St. Paul - FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis says " the eyes of others to Jesus in the Eucharist, and to invite everyone to walk together on the path of peace..." for World Mission Day FULL TEXT

Pope Francis in Interview says Homosexuality is not a Crime and that He Lost a Father with Death of Benedict XVI - from Associated Press

Pope Francis says "...Jesus knows you, Jesus loves you and can heal and soothe your heart..." and he Reveals 5 Elements of Jesus' Prophecy

Pope Francis' World Communications Day Message "As Christians, we know that the destiny of peace is decided by conversion of hearts, since the virus of war comes from within the human heart."

Pope Francis says "Let us read a passage from the Bible every day...Jesus speaks to us there" and Asks All to Pray for Myanmar - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "The spiritual life is the relationship with the Living One, with God, the Living One..." and Makes Appeal for Peace in Ukraine - FULL TEXT + Video