
Pope Francis says All "of us are called to become, together, “champions of love” in the great “Olympics” of life!" FULL TEXT in Indonesia

Pope Francis with 100,000 at Mass says "trust in Jesus!" - " not grow weary of dreaming and building again a civilization of peace!” in Indonesia FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "I hope that our communities may increasingly be open to interreligious dialogue and be symbols of the peaceful coexistence..." at Interreligious Meeting

Pope Francis Listens to Youth in Jakarta and Stresses the Need for Dialogue and Peace

Pope Francis Tells Religious "The language of the heart, do not forget it!" and "Each has his own task to make the people of God grow. Understood?" FULL TEXT

Pope Francis in Indonesia Calls for Interreligious Dialogue "In order to foster a peaceful and fruitful harmony that ensures peace..." FULL TEXT

VIDEO Pope Francis is Joyfully Greeted by Orphans and Refugees in Indonesia after Arriving for his Long Journey

Pope Francis Arrives Safely in Jakarta, Indonesia, Receiving a Warm Welcome for his Historic 4-country Visit to Asia-Pacific - VIDEO