
Pope Francis at 1st Jubilee Audience says "Begin Again" in Hope - "I encourage you to live well the Jubilee year, which offers the possibility of drawing from the treasure of grace and mercy"

Pope Francis Tells Sick Children Jesus is Their Friend and Asks Them to Pray for Children who Cannot Access Healthcare

Pope Francis says "Every human life has an unalienable dignity...every existence is a gift from God to be welcomed with love and respect."

Pope Francis says "Christ is our hope. He is the door of hope, always. He is the good news for this world!" FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "I assure" - "my prayer for those who suffer as a result of ongoing conflicts. May Jesus, Prince of Peace, bring peace" Epiphany Angelus FULL TEXT

Pope Francis at Epiphany Mass says "The star led the Magi to Bethlehem...We too, by our love, can bring to Jesus the people that we meet" FULL TEXT Homily + Video

Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Cardinal Gregory and Appoints Cardinal Robert McElroy to the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

Pope Francis says "God never stops...He finds a thousand ways to reach everyone...opening even in the darkest nights of humanity windows of light..."

Pope Francis Holds a Private Meeting with France's President Macron at Conclusion of Visit to Corsica

Pope Francis at Mass says "Christ is present, Christ is the source of our joy. He is with us in tribulation...Let us not forget it!" on Gaudete Sunday in Corsica

Pope Francis Tells Religious "Always forgive!" and Prays for Peace "especially for the Holy Land where Mary gave birth to Jesus" FULL TEXT Angelus in Corsica

Pope Francis says "Faith cannot remain a private affair. We have to be careful about this, I would say privatization of faith is a heretical development." in Corsica

Pope Francis says Listen to the Voice of Mary in All Moments "Do not be afraid, am I not here, I who am your Mother?" on Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass

Pope Francis Honors the Mother of Jesus during Traditional Prayer at the Famous Statue of Our Lady in Rome - FULL TEXT + Video

Pope Francis Pleads for All to Pray for Christmas Peace with a Ceasefire on All Fronts in Appeal to Leaders - FULL TEXT at Angelus at the Vatican

Pope Francis at Mass on Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception says "Jesus himself gave her to us as our mother" with New Cardinals - FULL TEXT + Video

#BreakingNews Pope Francis Fell Yet Still Creates 21 New Cardinals with a Bruise saying "Jesus repeats: love one another" FULL TEXT Homily