
Another Priest Arrested in Nicaragua - Reportedly Abducted by the Government

#BreakingNews Bishop Rolando Álvarez of Nicaragua is Released to the Vatican after Over 500 Days in Detention along with Freedom for 18 other Religious

United Nations Calls on the Government of Nicaragua to Disclose Location of Arrested Bishop Isidoro Mora

#BreakingNews the Government of Nicaragua Declares the Jesuit Order Illegal and Confiscates all their Assets

Catholic University in Nicaragua is Confiscated by the Government as it was Judged to be a “center of terrorism”

Government of Nicaragua Confiscates Catholic Schools and Expels Nuns in Latest Persecution of the Catholic Church

US Bishops' on Persecution in Nicaragua "call on the United States Government and the entire international community to continue to work for the release of Bishop Alvarez, and for a restoration of peace..." FULL TEXT

Government of Nicaragua Expels 2 Catholic Nuns from the Country who Ran a Nursing Home Caring for the Elderly

Government of Nicaragua Takes Over Catholic Nuns' Monastery and Makes Arrests of Faithful during Holy Week

#BreakingNews Catholic Bishop Rolando Álvarez of Nicaragua is Sentenced to 26 Years in Prison by Ortega Regime

A Catholic Church in Nicaragua holds a Mass of Reparation after the Eucharist is Desecrated by Intruders