
Pope Francis Holds a Private Meeting with France's President Macron at Conclusion of Visit to Corsica

Pope Francis at Mass says "Christ is present, Christ is the source of our joy. He is with us in tribulation...Let us not forget it!" on Gaudete Sunday in Corsica

Pope Francis Tells Religious "Always forgive!" and Prays for Peace "especially for the Holy Land where Mary gave birth to Jesus" FULL TEXT Angelus in Corsica

Pope Francis says "Faith cannot remain a private affair. We have to be careful about this, I would say privatization of faith is a heretical development." in Corsica

Pope Francis Tells Parliamentarians from France of the Importance of Palliative Care for End of Life Cases

VIDEO - Thousands in Paris, Join Procession as the Miracle Statue of Our Lady that Survived the Fire Returns to Notre Dame Cathedral

#BreakingNews Attack on a Church in France Causes a Destructive Fire but the Priest Rushes in to Save the Eucharist

St. Louis IX King of France who Fed Beggars from his Table! Patron Saint of Hairdressers and Secular Franciscans - Saint of August 25

#BreakingNews Historic Cathedral in Rouen, France, is Damaged by Fire

Wow - Catholic Church in France Announces Record Breaking Growth as Over 12,000 People were Baptized at Easter!

Catholic Bishops of France Call for Prayer and Fasting for the Right to Life as the Country Enters Abortion in the Constitution

Catholic Bishops in France Support the Farmers in their Massive Protests

#BreakingNews the Oldest Person in the World a Catholic Nun Dies at Age 118 - RIP Sister André