
UPDATE - Carmelite Nuns of Arlington, Texas, Decide to Associate with the Society of Saint Pius X

#BreakingNews Vatican Overturns Decree Dismissing Carmelite Nun after She Confessed to Violating the 6th Commandment with a Priest

Carmelite Nuns in Arlington, Texas, Reject the Vatican's Decree and Bishop Olson's Authority - the Diocese Asks for Prayer

Vatican's Dicastery Announces New Governance for the Arlington Carmelite Nuns who Feuded with Bishop Olson of Fort Worth, Texas

After Arlington Nuns Defy their Bishop - they may Incur Excommunication as Released in a Statement from Bishop Michael F. Olson of Fort Worth

A Carmelite Nun Sues her Bishop for $1 Million and Defamation in Response the Diocese issues Statements - FULL TEXT