
St. Peter Damian : Bishop and Doctor of the Church who Left his Friends Secretly and Went to a Hermitage! Saint Feb. 21

LATEST UPDATE on Pope Francis Reveals a Slight Improvement and that He Received the Eucharist

US Bishops say IVF Destroys Human Life and is "fatally flawed" in Response to Trump's Expansion of the Procedure - USCCB Full Text

Former Police Officer Confesses to Murder of a Catholic Priest in Poland

To "all who carry" - "guilt of an abortion experience. Be assured that Jesus keeps on loving you, no matter what" USCCB

2 Catholic Catechists Killed in Burkina Faso - RIP Mathias Zongo and Christian Tientga

Novena to St. Jacinta and St. Francisco of Fatima + Litany Prayers - Patron Saints of Sick, Captives, and Prisoners

UPDATE on Pope Francis' Health Shows a Slight Improvement after Blood Tests

Holy Mass Online - Bible Readings and Video : Thursday February 20 - Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church