
St. Apollina : Virgin and Martyr : Patron Saint of Dentists and Toothaches with Prayer

Pope Francis says " witnesses to an overflowing love, to the point of seeming “crazy”, crazy with love."

USCCB - Bishop Barron “In today’s world, relationships are often viewed as and love that marriage entails is a source of hope..." for Marriage Week

6 Ways to Protect your Kids From Pornography on the Internet and in the Home

Novena to St. Josephine Bakhita - Powerful Prayers Saint Josephine - Patron Saint of Human Trafficking Survivors and Sudan

St. Jerome Emiliani was Miraculously Freed from Prison! Patron Saint of Orphans - Founder of the Order of Somascha - Saint February 8

Holy Mass Online : Saturday, February 8, 2025 - #Eucharist in Your Virtual Catholic Church

St. Josephine Bakhita the True Story of a Girl who went from Slave to Saint with Litany Prayers to Share! Saint of Feb. 8