
St. Angela Merici who saw Heaven and Angels Coming Toward her Singing! Saint of January 27

St. Paula - a Widow who Worked in Bible Translation with St Jerome after Mastering the Hebrew Language! Saint Jan. 26

Saint January 26 : St. Robert of Molesme, Cistercian - who with 20 other Monks Founded the Monastery of Cîteaux

WATCH a Christian Movie Online : St. Paul the Apostle

Ecumenical Church Leaders Urge for Demilitarization and Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and Broader Middle East and Humanitarian Aid - FULL TEXT

Pope Francis Remembers "Victims of the Holocaust" before Anniversary saying "Let us educate young" to be "open to... forgiveness and peace." FULL TEXT

Pope Francis says "Jesus is the living Word" at Mass on Word of God Sunday and Confers Ministry of Lector to 40 People - FULL TEXT