Powerful Prayer of Protection to Saint Joseph - Consecrate Your Life and Your Family to St. Joseph!

 St. Joseph was the Foster-Father of Jesus and guardian of the Holy Family. He is patron saint of fathers, families, the unemployed, work and the Universal Church. His powerful protection can guide you in life. This short and easy prayer of consecration can be said everyday! (Watch the video to hear the prayer) March 19th is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph and May 1st is every dayhis other feast day; his great feast day celebrated around the world.
Act of Consecration to St. Joseph by (St. Bernardine of Siena)
Oh my beloved St. Joseph, adopt me as thy child. Take charge of my salvation; watch over me day and night; preserve me from the occasions of sin; obtain for me purity of body.  Through thy intercession with Jesus, grant me a spirit of sacrifice, humility, self-denial, burning love for Jeus in the Blessed Sacrament, and a sweet and tender love for Mary, my mother. St. Joseph, be with me living, be with me dying, and obtain for me a favorable judgement from Jesus, my merciful Savior. Amen.
Dear St. Joseph,
On this day, before God and your Immaculate Spouse, Mary, I ___________________ choose you as my spiritual father forever. I formally entrust myself to your fatherly care. I love you, and I trust in your prayers for my life. As your spiritual child, I give you full permission (and in fact, I'm begging you) to please act in my life, especially by...
Praying for me constantly in a special way, Bringing me even deeper into the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Providing for me and all my loved ones, Guarding and protecting me from bodily and spiritual evil, Guiding me to always do God's most perfect will, Helping me to suffer with love and without complaint, Giving me purity of body and of soul, Forming me into a person of peace and joy, Preparing me for a beautiful and happy death.
From this day forward, St. Joseph, you are my spiritual father, and I am your child. I trust you and love you, and I look forward to meeting you someday in heaven. I ask all of this in Jesus' name and for the glory of God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
