Catholic Bishops of Kansas Urge Protest of Black Mass Scheduled at the State Capitol of Kansas

An organization for Satanists, The Satanic Grotto, has organized a Black Mass to be held at the Topeka Capitol building, in the U.S. State of Kansas, on March 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A Black Mass is a Satanic rite mocking the Catholic Mass, often including the desecration of a stolen Eucharistic host. The main photo on the social media event reads: “Black Mass at the Capital, an expression of blaspheme and a dedication to Satan.”
A group of Catholic students has formed a petition with more than 22,000 signatures petitioning Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to cancel a Black Mass scheduled to take place at the end of the month. American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) vice president John Horvat, a native of Kansas, stated that he was appalled at the “heinous blasphemy.” The Catholic Bishops of Kansas wrote on their website: a group of Satanists from Kansas City are planning a direct and blasphemous attack on the Catholic Church by reserving space to conduct a Black Mass on Friday, March 28th inside the Capitol. They ask the faithful to write to the Governor to cancel the Mass:

Dear friends of the Catholic Church in Kansas,

Your help is needed in response to a diabolical spectacle that may take place soon on the grounds of the Kansas State Capitol. A so-called “black mass,” as it is described by organizers and news media, is scheduled to be held at the Kansas Statehouse in Topeka on Friday, March 28.

Make no mistake, this is a vile and despicable Satanic worship ritual. It specifically targets Catholics, the Catholic Faith and all people of good will who respect authentic Religious Liberty and expression.
Satanic worship is disturbing, spiritually harmful and an affront to every Christian. We are deeply disappointed that such blasphemous acts that are intended to mock Catholic worship, the beliefs of all Christians, and those who believe in the one true God, are being allowed on the Kansas Statehouse grounds.
Despite this act of bigotry from a small minority who crave public attention by insulting Christians, we know that Satan is powerless against Jesus Christ. We pray to the one true God for enlightenment for those who have given themselves over to the father of lies and prince of darkness. We pray for their conversion, hoping that they will come to know the God who has loved them into existence.
The Catholic Bishops of Kansas are asking that your voice be heard with a message to Governor Kelly and leaders of the Kansas State Legislature. We invite you to use this template or write your own personalized message.
On behalf of the Bishops of Kansas, thank you, and may God bless Kansas.
Chuck Weber
Executive Director
Kansas Catholic Conference
Image By Nils Huenerfuerst - Own workauthor=Nils Huenerfuerst, CC BY 4.0,
