Pope Francis says “Together, we can...create the conditions for trafficking...to be banned and for respect for fundamental human rights" Full Text for Day of Prayer Against Human Trafficking

 Pope Francis releases a message to mark the 11th International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, and praises the work of those combating the scourge of modern slavery. Just a day before the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, Pope Francis is urging Catholics and all people of goodwill to do their part to combat the exploitation of vulnerable people. In his message released on Feb. 7th, the Pope noted that the Day takes place on February 8, the liturgical memorial of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese woman who fell victim to human trafficking as a child and then later became a nun.
Full Text Message of the Holy Father for the 11th World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, 02/07/2025

Message that the Holy Father Francis sent on the occasion of the 11th International Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, an event that falls on the liturgical memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita, which is celebrated tomorrow and which this year has as its theme “Ambassadors of Hope: Together against Human Trafficking”:
Message of the Holy Father
Ambassadors of Hope:
Together against Human Trafficking
Dear brothers and sisters!
With joy I join you in the 11th World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking. This event falls on the liturgical memorial of Saint Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese woman and nun, a victim of trafficking since childhood, who has become a symbol of our commitment against this terrible phenomenon. In this Jubilee Year, let us walk together as “pilgrims of hope”, also on the path of combating trafficking.
But how is it possible to continue to nourish hope in the face of the millions of people, especially women and children, young people, migrants and refugees, trapped in this modern slavery? Where can we always draw new impetus to combat the trade in human organs and tissues, the sexual exploitation of boys and girls, forced labor, including prostitution, drug and arms trafficking? How can we register all this in the world and not lose hope? Only by raising our gaze to Christ, our hope, can we find the strength for a renewed commitment that does not allow itself to be overcome by the dimension of problems and tragedies, but in the darkness works to light flames of light, which together can illuminate the night until dawn breaks.
The young people who fight against trafficking throughout the world offer us an example: they tell us that we must become ambassadors of hope and act together, with tenacity and love; that we must stand alongside the victims and survivors.
With God’s help, we can avoid becoming accustomed to injustice and avoid the temptation to think that certain phenomena cannot be eradicated. The Spirit of the Risen Lord supports us in promoting, with courage and effectiveness, targeted initiatives to weaken and combat the economic and criminal mechanisms that profit from trafficking and exploitation. He teaches us first of all to listen, with closeness and compassion, to people who have experienced trafficking, to help them get back on their feet and, together with them, to identify the best ways to free others and to prevent it.
Trafficking is a complex phenomenon, constantly evolving, and is fueled by wars, conflicts, famines and the consequences of climate change. Therefore, it requires global responses and a common effort, at all levels, to combat it.
I therefore invite all of you, especially representatives of governments and organizations that share this commitment, to join us, inspired by prayer, to promote initiatives in defense of human dignity, for the elimination of human trafficking in all its forms and for the promotion of peace in the world.
Together – trusting in the intercession of Saint Bakhita – we can make a great effort and create the conditions so that trafficking and exploitation are banned and respect for fundamental human rights always prevails, in the fraternal recognition of common humanity.
Sisters and brothers, I thank you for the courage and tenacity with which you carry out this work, involving so many people of good will. Go forward with hope in the Lord, who walks with you! I bless you from the heart. I pray for you, and you pray for me.
From the Vatican, February 4, 2025
Unofficial Translation from Vatican.va with Screenshot
