Pope Francis says "Let arms be silent everywhere, and let the cry of the peoples, who are asking for peace, be heard!"

POPE FRANCIS at the ANGELUS in the Vatican's Saint Peter's Square on Sunday, 9 February 2025
At the conclusion of the Jubilee Mass for the thousands of Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel, presided over by Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Square, the Pope quoted from the Pastoral Constitution, "Gaudium et spes," and the importance of contributing to the establishment of peace. He first warmly greeted all those present for this Jubilee celebration, including the military chaplains for their pastoral service. And he extended his greetings to those in military service throughout the world.
Pope Francis was unable to finish his homily since he is suffering from bronchitis symptoms.
Pope Francis says "Let us not forget: God is near" at Jubilee Mass for Thousands of Armed Forces - FULL TEXT https://www.catholicnewsworld.com/2025/02/pope-francis-says-let-us-not-forget-god.html
Dear brothers and sisters,
Before concluding the celebration, I wish to greet you all, who have brought to life this Jubilee pilgrimage of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Forces. I thank the distinguished civil authorities for their presence, and the military Ordinaries and Chaplains for their pastoral service. I extend my greeting to all military personnel throughout the world, and I would like to recall the teaching of the Church in this regard. The Second Vatican Council says: “Those too who devote themselves to the military service of their country should regard themselves as the agents of security and freedom of peoples” (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, 79).
This armed service is to be exercised only for legitimate defence, never to impose dominion over other nations, always observing the international conventions on matters of conflict (cf. ibid.), and before that, in sacred respect for life and creation.
Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace, in tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, in Israel and throughout the Middle East, in Myanmar, in Kivu, and in Sudan. Let arms be silent everywhere, and let the cry of the peoples, who are asking for peace, be heard!
Let us entrust our prayer to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace.
Angelus Domini…
Dear brothers and sisters,
Before concluding the celebration, I wish to greet you all, who have brought to life this Jubilee pilgrimage of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Forces. I thank the distinguished civil authorities for their presence, and the military Ordinaries and Chaplains for their pastoral service. I extend my greeting to all military personnel throughout the world, and I would like to recall the teaching of the Church in this regard. The Second Vatican Council says: “Those too who devote themselves to the military service of their country should regard themselves as the agents of security and freedom of peoples” (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, 79).
This armed service is to be exercised only for legitimate defence, never to impose dominion over other nations, always observing the international conventions on matters of conflict (cf. ibid.), and before that, in sacred respect for life and creation.
Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace, in tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, in Israel and throughout the Middle East, in Myanmar, in Kivu, and in Sudan. Let arms be silent everywhere, and let the cry of the peoples, who are asking for peace, be heard!
Let us entrust our prayer to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace.
Angelus Domini…