Latest Statistics on US Priestly Vocations in 2025 - Report Reveals the Diocese with the Most Vocations!

Vocation Ministry Releases State of Priestly Vocations Report – 2025 Update

Analysis Highlights Trends and Offers Insights into the Future of the Catholic Priesthood in the United States

On January 20, 2025 Vocation Ministry announce the release of the State of Priestly Vocations Report- 2025 Update, a thorough examination of current trends affecting priestly vocations across the United States. This report provides valuable data and insights aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the Catholic Church's vocational landscape. It revealed the small Diocese of Wichita, Kansas, had the largest number of vocations. Bishop Carl Kemme upon reading the report wrote“Adoration chapels abound in our diocese, with many of them offering perpetual adoration, inviting everyone – regardless of age – to consider adoration as a time to encounter the Risen Christ in the Eucharist,” the bishop said “This has been in place now for more than 40 years. I sincerely believe this is the greatest factor in our recruiting efforts. Many young men have told me that they heard the Lord speak to them about a vocation to the priesthood in adoration.”

Over the last 10 years (2014-2023), the numbers tell a sobering story:
Seminarians: -23%
Priestly Ordinations: -22%
Religious Sisters: -29%
Catholic Marriages: -26%
The State of Priestly Vocations Report 2025 uncovers:
Trends shaping priestly availability
Updated ordination data from the past decade
Insights on Catholic marriages and their role in fostering vocations
Now is the time to act. Use this report to strengthen vocation efforts and secure the future of the Church.

The report delves into several critical areas, including:

· 10-Year Averages of Ordinations: Analyzing trends for ordinations and seminarians from 2014-2023 to identify patterns and inform future strategies.

· Priestly Availability Index: Introducing a new metric designed to measure the accessibility of priests to parishioners and potential vocations.

· Total Active Priests: A breakdown of the number of priests actively serving across dioceses, along with an analysis of the benefits and challenges of relying on extern and religious priests. 

· Seminarian Discern-Out Rate: Offering insights into seminary formation processes and providing revised statistics on the percentage of seminarians who discern out before ordination,

· Catholic Marriage Trends: Exploring the relationship between marriage trends and vocations, highlighting the importance of family life in nurturing future priests.

The report registers dioceses by population with four tiers. Tier 1 dioceses have more than 750,000 Catholics; Tier 2 dioceses have 350,000 to 750,000 Catholics; Tier 3 dioceses have 100,000 to 350,000 Catholics; and Tier 4 dioceses have fewer than 100,000 Catholic faithful.

"Our goal with this report is to offer a vocational snapshot of the Church in America, identifying emerging trends that significantly impact vocation promotion," said Rhonda Gruenewald, President and Founder of Vocation Ministry. "By addressing these challenges and leveraging available insights, we can cultivate vibrant communities rich in holy priests and flourishing vocations."

The State of Priestly Vocations Report – 2025 Update serves as a resource for bishops, vocation directors, educators, and laity who are committed to cultivating a Church rich in holy priests and vibrant vocations. By understanding the current state of priestly vocations, stakeholders can develop informed strategies to address the unique needs of their dioceses and communities.

To access the full report and explore individual diocesan data, please visit

About Vocation Ministry

Vocation Ministry is a non-profit organization dedicated to igniting a culture of vocations in parishes, schools, and families. Through training, resources, and support, Vocation Ministry empowers communities to promote and nurture vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, and sacramental marriage. For more information, visit

Suggested Interview Questions

1.) Can you share the origin story of Vocation Ministry and how you, as a layperson, came to start this mission?

2.) What inspired Vocation Ministry to produce the State of Priestly Vocations in the U.S. report?

3.) In your opinion, what are some of the most startling or unique findings from the 2025 report?

4.) How does the Priestly Availability Index (PAI) shed light on the accessibility of priests to their communities, and what does this mean for parish life?

5.)      How do you hope this report will help dioceses?

6.) How does Vocation Ministry partner with dioceses to promote vocations? Any notable successes or outcomes from Vocation Ministry’s work over the past 10 years? 

7.) Where can our audience go to learn more about Vocation Ministry and access the complete report?


Source: Press Release from Vocation Ministry
