Powerful Prayers to the Holy Name of Jesus - Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus


The Church celebrates the feast day of the Holy Name of Jesus on January 3rd as an Optional Memorial. Here below are some powerful prayers to the Holy Name of Jesus including the Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus and the Novena to the Holy Name of Jesus (below the litany). Invoking the Holy Name of Jesus is a very powerful prayer and carries an indulgence of the Church. The bible has several verses showing the power in using the name of Jesus with faith: John 14:14 - If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. A short prayer known as the Jesus prayer, can be repeated throughout the day, from the 4th century, it is often repeated on rosary beads; "Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  have mercy on me,  a sinner. "

The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - approved by Pope Sixtus V in 1585, and public recitation by Pope Leo XIII in 1886. (It is one of only six litanies approved for public use.) 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, have mercy on us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us. 
Jesus, graciously hear us. 
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us (after each line) 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, 
God the Holy Ghost, 
Holy Trinity, one God, 
Jesus, Son of the living God, 
Jesus, splendor of the Father, 
Jesus, brightness of eternal light, 
Jesus, King of glory, 
Jesus, sun of justice, 
Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, 
Jesus, most amiable, 
Jesus, most admirable, 
Jesus, the mighty God, 
Jesus, father of the world to come, 
Jesus, Angel of great counsel, 
Jesus, most powerful, 
Jesus, most patient, 
Jesus, most obedient, 
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, 
Jesus, lover of chastity, 
Jesus, lover of us, 
Jesus, God of peace, 
Jesus, author of life, 
Jesus, example of virtues, 
Jesus, zealous lover of souls, 
Jesus, our God, 
Jesus, our refuge, 
Jesus, father of the poor, 
Jesus, treasure of the faithful, 
Jesus, good Shepherd, 
Jesus, true light, 
Jesus, eternal wisdom, 
Jesus, infinite goodness, 
Jesus, our way and our life, 
Jesus, joy of Angels, 
Jesus, King of Patriarchs, 
Jesus, Master of the Apostles, 
Jesus, Teacher of the Evangelists, 
Jesus, strength of Martyrs, 
Jesus, light of Confessors, 
Jesus, purity of Virgins, 
Jesus, crown of all Saints, 
Be merciful, spare us, O Jesus. 
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Jesus. 
From all evil, deliver us, O Jesus. (after each line) 
From all sin, 
From Thy wrath, 
From the snares of the devil, 
From the spirit of fornication, 
From everlasting death, 
From the neglect of Thine inspirations, 
By the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, 
By Thy Nativity, 
By Thine Infancy, 
By Thy most divine Life, 
By Thy labors, 
By Thine agony and Passion, 
By Thy Cross and dereliction, 
By Thy sufferings, 
By Thy Resurrection, 
By Thine Ascension, 
By Thine institution of the most Holy Eucharist, 
By Thy joys, 
By Thy glory, 
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, 
Spare us, O Jesus. 
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, 
Hear us, O Jesus.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, 
Have mercy on us, O Jesus. 
Jesus, hear us. 
Jesus, graciously hear us. 

Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast said: Ask and ye shall receive, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you; mercifully attend to our supplications, and grant us the gift of Thy divine charity, that we may ever love Thee with our whole heart and with all our words and deeds, and may never cease from praising Thee.

Make us, O Lord, to have a perpetual fear and love of Thy holy Name, for Thou never failest to help and govern those whom Thou dost bring up in Thy steadfast fear and love; who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

O Merciful Jesus, Who didst in Thy early infancy commence Thy office of Savior by shedding Thy Precious Blood, and assuming for us that name which is above all names; we thank Thee for such early proofs of Thine infinite love. We venerate Thy sacred name, in union with the profound respect of the Angel who first announced it to the earth, and unite our affections to the sentiments of tender devotion which the adorable name of Jesus has in all ages enkindled in the hearts of Thy Saints.

Animated with a firm faith in Thy unerring word, and penetrated with confidence in Thy mercy, we now most humbly remind Thee of the promise Thou hast made, that where two or three should assemble in Thy name, Thou Thyself wouldst be in the midst of them. Come, then, into the midst of us, most amiable Jesus, for it is in Thy sacred name we are here assembled; come into our hearts, that we may be governed by Thy holy spirit; mercifully grant us, through that adorable name, which is the joy of Heaven, the terror of Hell, the consolation of the afflicted, and the solid ground of our unlimited confidence,

all the petitions we make in this novena.

Oh! blessed Mother of our Redeemer! Who didst participate so sensibly in the sufferings of thy dear Son when He shed His Sacred Blood and assumed for us the name of Jesus, obtain for us, through that adorable name, the favors we petition in this novena.

Beg also, that the most ardent love may imprint on our hearts that sacred name, that it may be always in our minds and frequently on our lips; that it may be our defense and our refuge in the temptations and trials of life, and our consolation and support in the hour of death. Amen. Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be each day of the novena.
